TN243Y Brother genuine toner cartridge pack front image
TN243Y Brother genuine toner cartridge image
TN243Y Brother genuine toner cartridge and pack image

Originalni toner Brother TN-243Y, žuti

Žuti toner Brother TN-243Y. Štampa do 1.000 strana.

Detalji o proizvodu:

  • Štampa do 1.000 strana u skladu sa ISO/IEC19753
  • Visokokvalitetan originalan Brother toner
  • Štedi papir, vreme i novac
  • Using this Brother TN-243Y original laser toner cartridge protects your printer warranty
  • The TN-243 toner cartridges are available as a more economical multipack - TN-243CMYK
TN243Y Brother genuine toner cartridge pack front image

Detalji o proizvodu:

Originalni žuti toner Brother TN-243Y je posebno napravljen za vaš štampač i omogućava jasnu štampu.

Toner koji je jednostavan za postavljanje i kompatibilan sa brojnim modelima, donosi postojane dokumente koji se vremenom neće razmazati ili izbledeti.